the blades of Mandalay
Farl posted a photo:
Yeah, an aisle seat is convenient in getting to the toilet but you can treat yourself with views of heaven and the just-below-heaven by getting a window seat.
So here are my TRAVEL PIC TIP:
1. Check in early to get choice spots.
2. Don't just ask for window seats, request for one that not encumbered by the wing. Charm the counter attendant and request for to see the seat plan if possible.
3. Know the direction you are heading. Sunrises (EAST) and sunsets (WEST) views are awesome if your window faces the sun. I find noontime as best as only bright direct sunlight can bring out the contrast needed for clear pics. Bright light before and after noon are good UNLESS you are facing the sun- then glare is a problem.
4. Pray for things that are not within your control:
- clear window sheets (a problem with old plane)
- weather (you can't get views if skies are dark and cloudy)
5. Put your lens near the glass but no contact please (vibration!).
6. I suggest an aperture in the f5-10 range. A high f value often results to noise (if on auto, the ISO level climbs up I think) and exposes the (cleanliness) state of your lens.
7. If available, follow the flight path in the planeview channel (available in most flights of the bigger modern planes). I even take pics of the screen so that I know the location.
Which brings me to this picture. This is northeast of Mandalay, Burma. I will have to check the atlas later on to approximately verify whether this is still Mandalay...
over Myanmar, SE Asia
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